I’m missing Yorkshire lots at the moment (even more since I gave in to getting an iPhone and saved Masham as one of the 3 areas I can view the weather forecast for at the touch of a button - 18 degrees C today!), and it’s a sad year when there’s not even time to head up to York for one day at the moment to do some trade craft-fairing! Anyway we’ll have to hold on until October where we’ve already booked up ¾ of the week with things we’d like to do and places we’d like to visit (more news on those soon). Looking back through some "phone pics" recently I found these of our extremely windy walk around Druids and Leighton Reservoir (http://www.yorkshirewalks.org/diary03/diary73.html) – check out the trees – “windswept” is an understatement!

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